Hit the Ground Running with The KPI Network™ Members
The KPI Network™ (TKN) are
millions of active decision makers across all market segments who have indicated their topics of interest, consumed content, opted in and buy from our clients (Levels 3-5) - one degree of separation from becoming your next opportunity. There are millions of Level 2 decision makers in play as well consistently being reprioritized for client campaigns and The KPI Network Market Research
(survey example). KPI BUILDs audiences beyond standard firmographic and persona with additional attributes such as hiring, expansion/contraction, technographic, org intent, person-level engagement signals and virtually any other attribute you can think of that will help to hone into a timely, serviceable addressable market.
(KPI's BUILD Process).

"It's not who you know (list pulls and research) - It's who knows you (The KPI Network)!"